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Staying Home: 3 Things You Can Do To Better Your Career Options

| 1 minute read

The world has changed. New terms have entered our world. COVID-19, Coronavirus, and shelter in place, just to mention a few. In the wake of social distancing, everything from education to employment is being reshaped. While you are spending more time at home, this might be the perfect time to think about career options and making a career change. Don’t worry, the process is simple, and we are here to help!

Is it time for a career change?

You can start small with three simple things! And you can do them all while social distancing!

One: Take stock of where you are now.
Think about your job history. What were your favorite positions? What were your strengths? Taking stock of your past successes, as well as challenges, can help you make the right career choices right for you.

Two: Do some research.
Once you know your strengths, you need to see where they fit into the business world. It may seem overwhelming, but there are sites to help you. With trends and predictions, the Bureau of Labor Statistics keeps up with labor market activity. Check out their occupations with the most potential for growth.

Three: Educate yourself.
A lot of our time is being spent at home, so why not pause Netflix and chill. You can use that time to make your life and career options better by taking some online classes.

The Chicago Tribune says it best, we need to become lifelong learners, returning to education.

“In other words, take advantage of your extra isolated time and take online courses, gain credentials and certifications and continue improving your craft.

With time on your hands and armed with information from your research, take the leap to educate yourself. With over 50 online programs, we can help you find the one that fits your career choices. Get started today!

Office of Online Learning

All blog posts are written and maintained by the Office of Online Learning at The University of Southern Mississippi. We provide support to online students, to faculty teaching online courses, and to units seeking to develop, grow, or improve online programs at the University.

For more information, email us at online@usm.edu.