
Celebrating Mother’s Day and Finding Your Career

| 1 minute read

Mother’s Day is a day that we celebrate the most important women in our lives. Our mothers are more than just parents or protectors. They instantly create a feeling of family just by being present. They inspire us to be better people, and to create a great family life for ourselves. But what does that entail?

Everyone has a different idea of what a great family looks like, but if the pursuit of a happy family life this Mother’s Day is something you find interesting, not only for yourself but for others as well, you should consider a degree in child and family studies!

A degree in child and family studies will allow you to make an impact in the homes of families that need help creating their own version of a great family life. There are a number of hurdles mothers can face when raising their children. These can range anywhere from inexperience with motherhood to understanding a disability.

With classes in child development, you’ll be able to help new and experienced mothers develop relationships and overcome obstacles together. You’ll learn how to spot issues and take care of these families with training in psychology and counseling.

The child and family studies program teaches you many different ways people think and how to communicate with them through their mindset. That means you’ll not only be able to relate to each member of the family, but you’ll also be able to help them communicate with each other as you help overcome any obstacles in developing a great family life.

Mother’s Day reminds us that family is an important source of structure and comfort for a person. With a degree in child and family studies, you will be able to help families that may struggle to find that support. With our fully online programs, you’ll be able remain closer to your family while you study. The University of Southern Mississippi offers two ways to get your degree in child and family studies. For undergrads, we offer a bachelor’s degree. If you’re looking to expand your education we also offer a master’s degree. Now is a great time to let Southern Miss guide you to a career in helping families.

Office of Online Learning

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