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Celebrating National Online Learning Day

| 1 minute read

There are many national days throughout the year. You might have celebrated National Siblings Day in April and maybe you are an animal lover and are looking forward to time in the kitchen for the upcoming National Cook for Your Pets Day in November.

But one day stands out for online education and that is National Online Learning Day, which is celebrated September 15 of each year.

What is National Online Learning Day?

According to, National Online Learning Day showcases how students of all ages are thriving with the ability to learn online—anywhere, anytime. It seeks to cultivate awareness of, and support for, this ever-growing community of learners and to celebrate the future of online education—wherever technology and our imaginations take us!

Where can you learn more?

One way you can celebrate the day and learn more is by checking out their Twitter Feed.

Did you know? According to

  •   Online learning provides convenience and personalization for every learner—from preschool through high school to college and beyond.
  •   Online learning can help you acquire a new skill or certification.
  •   Online learning can help you earn your high school diploma or college degree.

Deciding to go back to college is a big decision and that is why this day is so important. Whether you are a busy parent or stuck in a job you don’t love, online education may be the opportunity you need to make that positive change in your life! If you are ready to take advantage of online education, check out our online degrees. You just might find what you are looking for!

Office of Online Learning

All blog posts are written and maintained by the Office of Online Learning at The University of Southern Mississippi. We provide support to online students, to faculty teaching online courses, and to units seeking to develop, grow, or improve online programs at the University.

For more information, email us at