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Startup Weekend Hattiesburg

| 1 minute read

Can you really start a company in 54 hours? With Startup Weekend, you can plunge head first into the entrepreneurial world by developing a working prototype, demo, or presentation all within 54 hours of your team’s pitch. Join developers, business managers, students, startup enthusiasts, marketing gurus, graphic artists, and like-minded people on Friday, November 6-8, 2015 as they come together to participate in a global event taking place in the Trent Lott Center on the Hattiesburg Campus of The University of Southern Mississippi.

The event is a friendly competition that starts with a pitch of your start-up on Friday, and a presentation of your idea on Sunday. Participants will have a chance to actually develop a business plan that could potentially start up their business during this weekend session. Anyone is invited to register and attend this event. You do not have to have a business idea to participate, however, you will have to join another team to work to promote their idea and help them in the competition.

With over 36% of Startup Weekend start-ups still going strong after 3 months, what’s stopping you and your entrepreneurial-minded self from signing up for the event today? Sign up here! Also, if you are an entrepreneur looking for more than one way to put yourself ahead of the crowd, check out our fully online General Business Degree, fully online MBA, or our fully online Business Foundations Certificate!

Office of Online Learning

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